Welcome to The Mole Tree

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The Mole Tree is a portal for moles to connect and share mole happenings around the tree.


This is a developmental and testing site. The content is randomly wiped and reloaded for regression testing. All bookmarked pages will be lost. The profiles and emails are not real and no money transactions are done on this site. The test content will be blogs of current news stories, funny videos, and pictures of stuff in south Georgia.

I am excited to say we have a new person filling the roles of Business Admin and Quality Assurance. This will aid in staying focused on getting the requirements completed and quality at the highest level for the basic web application by September. We are also building our team of event reporters and cartoonists. We have a photo reporting team attending the Vidalia Onion Festival's Air Show to report and provide photos of the event. Other events are in planning; more to come this year as we continue to build this web site with the rich beauty, cooking, music, art, agriculture, engineering, outdoor life, and sports of Southern States.

Thank you.