Woops, deleted site while publishing changes

gina@geejayware.com 4/14/2024
Dev Update

I was making some updates to the UI on Blogging page and accidentally selected the wrong publish profile - the one that deletes the contents of the domain site and publishes your current code.  Did not want to delete site, just wanted to update the files. Site was wiped and got an unwanted regression testing. Thankfully the database has to be manually deleted and I was spared a blank site after code push. So, since that ended up being a normal workday nightmare, it's time to get the party started! Or maybe that's why I f*cked up.... started the party too early! grin! Have a great Sunday evening and a great workweek!  

[edited: added later] Not many things make my heart drop anymore, but after clicking the "Publish site" button and seeing the command prompt say "deleting site" will certainly do it!
