2024 Atlanta Botanical Gardens: Alice’s Wonderland Returns. (1 of 3)

jenny@geejayware.com 5/21/2024

A special thanks to Jade who shared her beautiful photos of her journey at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens’ Alice’s Wonderland Returns.

Photo credit: Jade from Paulding County GA. Event Photographer.

Your photos are beautiful Jade. I enjoyed them so much as well as mom. You are radiating and glowing with happiness in your photos! Thank you - Jenny
jenny@geejayware.com 5/21/2024
Ugh! This one is so hard to pick a faviorite! I love the woman with her hand out as waterfall. But Jade, you take top picks with the peace sign and glasses. Too cool girl!
gina@geejayware.com 5/21/2024
Faviorite pic out of the set is the one looking down the walkway to the lady with hand waterfall.
jake@geejayware.com 5/21/2024